In the the last part, we explored Wasm compilation, smart contracts in general, and testing on NEAR. We’ve already written tests for our toy example of a blockchained “Buy Me A Coffee”, which is where we pick up this post.

The methods

Let us start the development with the impl block, as our testing already tells us which methods are needed:

// We require `env` to interact with the rest of the NEAR world, and of course
// the types as a "language" for these interactions.
use near_sdk::{env, near_bindgen, AccountId, Balance, Promise};

impl BuyMeACoffee {
  // This is our bread and butter-method. It needs to be payable, because this
  // that's the whole point of this "Buy me a coffee" thing.
  pub fn buy_coffee(&mut self) -> Promise {
    // Get call parameters
    let account = env::predecessor_account_id();
    let mut donation = env::attached_deposit();

    // Update the donation amount for the caller
    let old_donation = self.coffee_near_from.get(&account).unwrap_or(0);
    donation += old_donation;
    self.coffee_near_from.insert(&account, &donation);

    // Check if we need to update our top donor
    self.check_top_coffee_buyer(account, donation);

    // Finally, transact tokens to owner, but leave some for storage staking.
    Promise::new(self.owner.clone()).transfer(donation / 100 * 95)

  fn check_top_coffee_buyer(&mut self, donor: AccountId, donation: Balance) {
    match self.top_coffee_buyer {
      // Yay, we someone just bought us coffee for the first time.
      None => {
        self.top_coffee_buyer = Some((donor, donation));
      // Someone just outcompeted someone else in coffee donations for us.
      Some((_, top_donation)) if top_donation < donation => {
        self.top_coffee_buyer = Some((donor, donation));
      // In any other cases, nothing to do
      _ => {}

  // Get the donation amount for a specific account
  pub fn coffee_near_from(&self, account: AccountId) -> Balance {

  // Get the account that donated most
  pub fn top_coffee_buyer(&self) -> Option<(AccountId, Balance)> {
    self.top_coffee_buyer.clone() // clone required because of borrowing rules

We do have a lot to unpack here, so let’s go over it, starting with method mutability.

Method mutability

Maybe you’re coming from an EVM background and consider methods to be either mutable, view, or pure. You won’t need the background though to understand this tabular rundown of it:

Naming Rust signature What that means
mutable fn(&mut self, ...) Anything can happen inside the method
view fn(&self, ...) No state mutations, but state dependency
pure fn(...) (no self parameter, but inside an impl block) Independent on contract state

You should make sure not to mark methods as fn(&mut self) if you don’t require to mutate state. Every mutable contract method will automatically rewrite the contract state when it terminates, thus costing extra gas. Luckily, the Rust compiler emits a warning when it encounters unnecessary mut modifiers.

Method visibility

Since I assume you’re somewhat familiar with Rust, I also assume you’re familiar with visibility rules. They translate to NEAR smart contracts 1:1. A method marked as pub can be seen by the whole world, and it may be called by the whole world, specifically other NEAR accounts, and thus other contracts deployed on NEAR. If your method is not marked as pub, it can be seen and used from within the contract, but not elsewhere. We thus call them internal methods. There is however a third category that is not part of a standard Rust: #[private] methods. You are allowed to cross-contract call those from the same contract. As they need an interface to communicate with the outside world, being a cross-contract call after all, they will need to be pub. The signatures go as follows:

Naming Rust signature What that means
public pub fn Anyone can call
private #[private] pub fn This contract can call via cross-contract calls
internal fn This contract can call, but only from other methods

#[payable], environment, and promises

The last bit we need to understand is #[payable], and the strings attached to it. A function that is marked as #[payable] accepts calls that have NEAR tokens attached to the call. Unlike gas fees, those tokens do not serve the purpose of paying for computation, but they behave like a transfer to the contract, with the method called being signalling the intent of the transfer. In our case, the intent is a simple donation. In other instances, you might wish to mint some tokens based on the amount of transferred NEAR, or simply require a minimum amount to pay for some service. To access these “meta-parameters”, we need functions from near_sdk::env:

  • near_sdk::env::predecessor_account_id gives us the AccountId of whoever called the contract. AccountId is a type alias for String, but you can verify that it’s actually a valid NEAR account ID using near_sdk::env::is_valid_account_id.
  • near_sdk::env::attached_deposit returns the Balance of NEAR (actually yoctoNEAR) with which the method was called. Balance is a type alias for u128.

Those are the methods we need for now, feel free to dig around in the docs and find other functions you’re interested in.

The last thing we need is a way to transfer native tokens from the contract. NEAR uses something called a Promise for that. You can actually think of promises as an instruction to the NEAR protocol to make things happen outside of your contract. While token transfer is the easiest example, these instructions may be cross-contract calls, account creation, or staking. Again, the docs will hold far more and more recent information.

The state and its initialization

Now that we know how the functions inside our contract work, and which storage they rely on, it’s time to implement the contracts state:

use near_sdk::borsh::{self, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize};
// We need a map type and we shouldn't use `std` for on-chain storage, so we use
// a map type provided by `near_sdk`
use near_sdk::collections::{UnorderedMap, LazyOption};
// We require `env` to interact with the rest of the NEAR world, and of course
// the types as a "language" for these interactions.
use near_sdk::{near_bindgen, AccountId, Balance, PanicOnDefault};

// We obviously need to change the storage part of our contract.
// Note how we can no longer derive `Default`, as it's not implemented for
// `UnorderedMap`. Instead we use `PanicOnDefault`, which is required by NEAR
// to signal that `Default` is not implemented for this contracts storage.
// Our other options would be to talk the `initialize` method below, and use at
// a custom implementation of `Default`.
#[derive(PanicOnDefault, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
pub struct BuyMeACoffee {
  owner: AccountId,
  coffee_near_from: UnorderedMap<AccountId, Balance>,
  top_coffee_buyer: LazyOption<(AccountId, Balance)>, // FIXME: change in commit

impl BuyMeACoffee {
  // Because we no longer have an implementation for `Default` on our contract,
  // we need to tell NEAR how to initialize it
  pub fn initialize(owner: AccountId) -> Self {
    // Assert that the AccountId of the provided owner is valid, or fail
    // deployment

    Self {
      // The text inside the call to `new` is a key prefix for the onchain
      // storage key. It could just have been 0, but you should make a habit out
      // of properly prefixing your storage items. This will help whenever you
      // want to interact with raw onchain storage.
      coffee_near_from: UnorderedMap::new(b"m"),
      top_coffee_buyer: LazyOption::new(b"o", None),

Let’s unravel this by field:

  • owner is where the coffee donations go to. We want to set this once when we initialize the contract and never touch it again. The owner will be an AccountId, and we already learned how to verify those. It is a common practice to do all your checks (permissions, deposit requirements etc.) at the very start of your contract and fail early to avoid unnecessary gas costs.
  • coffee_near_from tracks cumulative donations by AccountId. The natural type for this would be std::collections::HashMap, so why don’t we use that? It’s inefficient for the blockchain. You should never use anything from std::collections for on-chain storage. In fact, most parts of std are not available on the chain, and I will touch on that in the following paragraph.
  • top_coffee_buyer is a pretty self-explanatory leaderboard with a single entry.

Clearly, things like Vec and HashMap are base data structures so why would you prefer not to use them? The answer has two aspecs:

  • The collection types from std are optimized for your average computers RAM, which is quite different from the on-chain trie storage. near_sdk::collections has collections optimized for on-chain storage, and your contract struct should always be based on those.
  • The types from near_sdk::collections do not implement serde::Serialize or serde::Deserialize, but JSON is the default of talking to the off-chain world. Returning these types from contract methods or accepting them as parameters thus requires wrapping them in a custom type and manually implementing the required traits. This is where the collections from std shine, as for those we can simply #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)].

std contains a lot more than collection types. Since smart contracts on most chains are required to be deterministic, the abstractions from std cannot be made available on-chain. Reading files from the machine that executes your contract is not only a security risk to that machine, but smart contracts cannot be deterministic if they had access to e.g. /dev/urandom. The same goes for the ability to interact with TCP sockets. We could go on, but it’s easiest for us to assume that the only-thing available from std are some basic data types (Vec, HashMap, Option), and that these data types are not suited for storing on the chain.

The contained Vector and LazyOption types from near_sdk::collections are straight-forward to use and do not come with alternatives, so duplicating the docs here isn’t really worth it. We are interested in something akin to a HashMap, and there are three types on offer:

  • LookupMap is the least powerful, but most efficient option. It allows you to look up values by key, but cannot be iterated.
  • UnorderedMap allows you to iterate over keys and/or values, but doesn’t guarantee any order.
  • TreeMap allows you to iterate over keys and/or values, ordered by the key.

We don’t need to iterate explicitly, but over the course of this series we will touch on storage migrations. For that we will need to iterate over all the entries, and we thus choose UnorderedMap to keep track of who donated how much NEAR to pay for coffee.

Types from near_sdk::collections come with another string attached: They don’t have Default implemented on them, thus we cannot derive it for our contract. While we could write our own implementation of Default, no parameters would be allowed. Remember that we want to set the owner of a contract while initializing? That’s why we have a custom initialize method on the contract, and require two attributes:

  • #[init] fn initialize such that the function is available to call during deployment
  • #[derive(PanicOnDefault)] struct BuyMeACoffee { ... }, where the naming is a bit misleading. We don’t care what happens if Default::default::<BuyMeACoffee> is called, because it is not implemented. Due to #[near_bindgen], we will however get a compiler error on the missing implementation of Default on BuyMeACoffee. Deriving PanicOnDefault simply tells NEAR that we explicitly opt out of using the Default trait, and thus allows us to compile the contract without this implementation.

Check out the full implementation on GitHub

Deploying to testnet

We finally arrive at the point where we can deploy the contract. Which we will do with our trusty NEAR CLI:

near deploy --accountId coffee.tifrel.testnet --wasmFile "$wasm" \
  --initFunction initialize \
  --initArgs '{"owner": "tifrel.testnet"}'
Starting deployment. Account id: coffee.tifrel.testnet, node:, helper:, file: target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/near_buy_me_a_coffee.wasm
Transaction Id 25g5CJxyMurDgsSSCuWndkhnuzGc2CPp322LC9hWCiUB
To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser
Done deploying and initializing coffee.tifrel.testnet

That’s it! The contract is on the chain, and all the world can interact with it. Let’s verify that by creating two subaccounts:

near create-account someone.tifrel.testnet \
  --masterAccount tifrel.testnet \
  --initialBalance 5

near create-account sometwo.tifrel.testnet \
  --masterAccount tifrel.testnet \
  --initialBalance 5

We can use these accounts for interacting with the contract:

near call coffee.tifrel.testnet buy_coffee '{}' \
  --accountId someone.tifrel.testnet \
  --deposit 1
Scheduling a call: coffee.tifrel.testnet.buy_coffee({}) with attached 1 NEAR
Doing account.functionCall()
Transaction Id 7bdK7tRpQUgMGBiYXkXixM4EPpsPqghRBm9kHyqdLJKp
To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser

And we can ue whichever account we want to verify that the mutations we wanted actually got recorded on-chain:

near view coffee.tifrel.testnet coffee_near_from '{"account": "someone.tifrel.testnet"}' --accountId tifrel.testnet
View call: coffee.tifrel.testnet.coffee_near_from({"account": "someone.tifrel.testnet"})
near view coffee.tifrel.testnet top_coffee_buyer --accountId tifrel.testnet
View call: coffee.tifrel.testnet.top_coffee_buyer()
[ 'someone.tifrel.testnet', 1e+24 ]

And if we do all this with the other created account, we will see top_coffee_buyer getting updated:

near call coffee.tifrel.testnet buy_coffee '{}' \
  --accountId sometwo.tifrel.testnet \
  --deposit 2
Scheduling a call: coffee.tifrel.testnet.buy_coffee({}) with attached 2 NEAR
Doing account.functionCall()
Transaction Id no99p6t2osKCGu1ZeFz7xc5J3TWAnfFNdhvKqbVnVVV
To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser
near view coffee.tifrel.testnet coffee_near_from '{"account": "sometwo.tifrel.testnet"}' --accountId tifrel.testnet
View call: coffee.tifrel.testnet.coffee_near_from({"account": "sometwo.tifrel.testnet"})
near view coffee.tifrel.testnet top_coffee_buyer --accountId tifrel.testnet
View call: coffee.tifrel.testnet.top_coffee_buyer()
[ 'sometwo.tifrel.testnet', 2e+24 ]


As we did last time, we covered some significant ground today. We started knowing how to enforce the desired smart contracts logic, and we got to a point of understanding and applying the following concepts:

  • Visibility and mutability of smart contract methods
  • The blockchain environments and the types that define our interactions
  • The inavailability of std and its implications
  • Deploying to a live network and interacting with the contract

You could actually pick up from here doing some integration tests. That however, is a topic for another post.